
Mastering K8 commands: Section 1


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Section 1: Getting Started with kubectl

In the realm of Kubernetes, kubectl is the cornerstone tool for interacting with the cluster, managing resources, and monitoring activities. This section introduces kubectl, guiding through its installation, configuration, and essential usage for Kubernetes cluster management.

Introduction to kubectl

kubectl is a command-line tool that allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters. It is the primary interface for cluster administrators and users to manage various aspects of the cluster and its resources.

Step 1: Install kubectl

First, ensure that kubectl is installed on your machine.

Generally you can install it from Kubernetes official website or install it using package managers like apt for Ubuntu or brew for macOS.

Step 2: Locate or Create the kubeconfig File

kubectl uses a configuration file called kubeconfig to connect to a Kubernetes cluster. This file’s typical path is $HOME/.kube/config. If you’ve previously set up a Kubernetes cluster or been given access to one, you might already have this file.

Izuma Public Cloud

If you are setting up kubectl to talk to edge machines using Izuma Edge as part of an Izuma Cloud, follow these instructions in our docs:

Essentially you will end up with a kubeconfig file that has a snippet similar to this:

- name: edge-k8s
    token: ak_xxxxx_MY_TOKEN_HERE

Izuma Cloud uses token authorization (unlike the more common certificate auth) since Izuma Cloud has a concept of identity / user management, i.e. the concept of users and groups, unlike standard K8s which leaves this issue for the implementer.

Hyperscaler Cloud Providers

If your cluster is on a large cloud provider follow their setup procedures:

Google Cloud: GKE

Install gcloud tools and then let it configure kubectl for you:

Install kubectl and configure cluster access


Use the aws CLI tool to setup a kubectl for you:

Creating or Updating a kubeconfig for AWS EKS

Azure: AKS

Use the az tool to to configure kubectl for you:

Azure: Connect to the Cluster

Or Manually Setup the kubeconfig File

The kubeconfig file contains the necessary details about your cluster, including:

  • Clusters: Information about your Kubernetes clusters, including the cluster name and server URL.
  • Users: User credentials for authenticating to the cluster.
  • Contexts: A combination of a cluster and user, and optionally a namespace. Contexts determine which cluster kubectl communicates with and how it authenticates.

Example kubeconfig Structure:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- context:
    cluster: my-cluster
    user: my-user
  name: my-context
current-context: my-context
- cluster:
    server: https://<cluster-ip>
  name: my-cluster
- name: my-user
    client-certificate: /path/to/cert
    client-key: /path/to/key

Step 4: Set the Current Context

Connecting to multiple clusters?
kubectl has a concept of contexts. Each context is a different set of authorization credentials and config settings. Kubectl contexts will allow quick switching between clusters.

You can switch between different contexts (i.e., different clusters or user accounts) using:

kubectl config use-context my-context

Step 5: Test Your Configuration

To verify that kubectl is properly configured and can connect to your cluster, you can run:

kubectl cluster-info

This command should return details about the master and services in the cluster:

Kubernetes control plane is running at
GLBCDefaultBackend is running at
KubeDNS is running at
Metrics-server is running at

Additional Tips:

  • Security: Always ensure that your kubeconfig file is securely stored and its permissions are restricted. Sensitive data like keys and tokens should be handled with care.
  • Multiple Clusters: You can manage multiple clusters by having multiple contexts in your kubeconfig file.
  • Helpers and Tools: Tools like kubectx and kubens can simplify switching between contexts and namespaces.

By following these steps, you should be able to configure kubectl to connect to and manage your Kubernetes cluster effectively.

Listing Resources:

Listing Resources:

kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods

These commands list the nodes and pods in your cluster, providing a quick overview of your environment.

Understanding and mastering kubectl is fundamental for Kubernetes management. With these basics, you can effectively interact with your cluster and begin exploring more advanced features and commands.

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